Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Penjarah di London Makin Brutal, 215 Orang Ditangkap

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Aksi kekerasan dan penjarahan di Kota London semakin meluas. Para penjarah bahkan kini makin brutal. Mereka terus melawan aparat dan merusak properti umum.

Dalam video yang dilansir Skynews, Selasa (9/8/2011), terlihat aksi penjarahan yang terjadi di Hackney, Lewisham, Peckham dan Croydon di London Utara. Para pemuda yang mengenakan penutup wajah itu melempar toko dengan batu lalu menjarah semua barang yang ada di dalam.

Tentu saja polisi tidak tinggal diam. Mereka berusaha menghalau massa dengan gas air mata dan anjing anti huru-hara.

Namun di sebagian wilayah yang menjadi lokasi kerusuhan, polisi tidak terlihat. "Saya tidak bisa melihat polisi sama sekali. Mereka menangani masalah ini di tempat lain," kata salah seorang reporter Sky News.

"Ini sangat luar biasa. Di setiap toko, mereka bisa menemukan penjarahan," sambungnya.

Hingga saat ini, ada 215 orang telah ditangkap. Mereka dikenai pasal perampasan dan mengganggu ketertiban umum.

"Orang-orang ini akan dibawa ke pengadilan. Mereka akan mendapat konsekuensi dari aksinya dan saya akan mengajak semua komunitas lokal untuk bekerja bersama polisi," kata menteri dalam negeri Theresa May.

Sebelumnya, pada Minggu dinihari, sekitar 200 orang terlibat dalam huru-hara di Tottenham. Sejumlah bangunan, bus kota dan mobil dibakar massa. Para polisi dilempari molotov.

Aksi ini dipicu protes warga atas penembakan Mark Duggan (29) yang dilakukan polisi beberapa hari sebelumnya. Hingga hari ketiga, aksi ini semakin meluas hingga Birmingham.



Taking over the streets: A large crowd gathered in this street in Hackney, east London, before clashing with he police

Late night looters: A group of youths run through the streets in Dalston, east London, after breaking into the area's Kingsland shopping centre

Stealing: A group of looters flee from clothes store Blue Inc in Peckham after stealing clothes

Smashed: This Maplin shop in Birmingham and a bookmakers in Peckham were vandalised by the rioters

Raid: This group targeted a jewellery store at the Bullring shopping centre in Birmingham

Rampage: A group of looters raid a local shop in Hackney, stripping the shelves bare of drink and cigarettes, while a cash machine is also ripped apart

Stripped bare: The looters jumped over counters and threw food such as crisps and sweets to the floor in order to get to the things they wanted

Milling about: Hundreds of people gather outside a parade of shops in Hackney before things turned violent in Hackney

Thieves: Group of youths steal shirts and other clothes after breaking into a shop in Peckham

Smash and grab: A group of youths kick the door in of the JD Sports store in Hackney, while another group escapes from a store, one carrying a television he has taken

Mindless: A group of youths attacks a helpless photographer in Birmingham as the violence spread north last night

Croydon: Police carry away a rioter on the streets of London this evening, while elsewhere in the south London suburb an officer helps an injured colleague to safety

Croydon: Looters run from a shop in Hackney with a bag of clothes whilst another rioter in Hackney raises a wine bottle as he rampages through the streets

Hackney: Police detain a man in Hackney whilst another man covers his face with a scarf and is photographed with a wooden rocking horse

Looters raid two shops in Hackney, east London tonight. They are seen forcing their way into buildings making off with goods with smashed glass all over the pavement


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osserem 09 Aug, 2011

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